9th Grade
Welcome to 9th Grade
You’ve finally made it, you’re in high school. We know this is an exciting time for you and we look forward to getting to know and work with you during the course of the next four years. In some ways your transition will be easy, as you are already familiar with the secondary school building but, in other ways, you may find the transition more difficult. In general, most students find the additional rigor of high school courses more challenging and, at times, balancing school work with after school and personal activities can also be a bit of a challenge. Please be assured that we are here to help you navigate your way through all of this. During the course of the year, we will be meeting with you individually and, towards the end of the year with your parents/guardians, and we will be monitoring your academic progress to ensure that you are on target to reach the goals you have set out for yourself. Have a wonderful start to the new school year.
Overview of 9th Grade Activities
- Get off to you best start by using the calendar feature in Canvas to keep your work in each class organized.
- Be sure you understand the different policies established by each of your teachers regarding the completion of class work, and homework.
- If you have any questions about your schedule, see your counselor. You can make an appointment by visiting the
Counseling Office or emailing your counselor, whose email can be found on the Counseling Staff page.
- Encourage your parents to attend the 9th Grade Parent Night meeting.
- Review the 9th Grade Orientation Guide with your parents.
- Preview the school calendar for important dates.
- Listen to announcements and look for postings throughout the building and on Canvas for clubs and activities to get involved in.
- Continue to monitor your academic progress and be aware of Progress Report dates so you can make up missing assignments and or assessments.
- Your counselor will schedule an individual meeting with you. This meeting will be an opportunity for your counselor to get to know you so be sure to use the time well. Your counselor will also go over your academic progress and address any concerns you might have.
- Encourage your parents to attend the Standardized Testing Program. * Be aware of the calendar dates for the end of the Q1 marking period and Q2 Progress Reports.
- Be aware of important dates related to winter sports.
- Review the Course Catalog that is made available to you after the winter holidays.
- Begin thinking about the courses you would like to take in 10th grade as the scheduling process begins in January.
- Plan well ahead for mid-term exams that will be scheduled for late January.
- Consider the possibility of a summer program. The Counseling Website will include a list of Summer Opportunities.
- Counselors will conduct 9th Grade Parent/Student Conferences. See the separate listing for this conference to review the topics that will be discussed.
- Continue to monitor the school calendar for important events and be aware of dates related to Progress Reports, the end of Q 3, and spring sports.
- Continue to view the list of Summer Opportunities included on our website.
- Begin to prepare for final exams and be sure to attend any review classes your teachers might offer.
- Have a wonderful summer and be sure to complete your summer reading assignments.