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Music, Art, & Theatre

Dr. Joseph Owens:  District Director of Fine and Performing Arts, 267-7645

Mrs. Dolores Mazzilli:  Arts Assistant, 267-7641

Dr. Kristin Benson:  MS Orchestra and String Ensemble; Adaptive Music

Mr. Jared Berry:  HS Concert Choir, Symphonic Choir, Men's Choir

Ms. Sang-Mi Borneman: Elementary Orchestra SR, General Music MP

Mr. Joseph Capodicasa:  Elementary Band: SR

Mrs. Nicole DePeppe:  General Music: MP

Mr. Patrick Dillon:  General Music: MP

Mrs. Sarah Duke:  General Music: SR

Mrs. Kasey Faltings:  General Music: SR

Mr. Robb Fessler:  HS and MS Theatre

Ms. Agatha Gliksman: Art: MP

Ms. Samantha Goldberg:  Elementary Orchestra: MP

Dr. Beth Hsu: MS Choruses and Chamber Singers

Mr. Paul Johnston: HS Art: Architecture, Computer Graphics

Mr. Randy Knudsen:  HS Band and Wind Ensemble

Ms. Danielle Macumber: HS Art: Digital Photography

Mr. Hector Minaya:  MS Band and Wind Ensemble

Ms Natalya Panullo:  HS Art

Mrs. Kim Pleines: Art: MP and SR

Ms. Lori Oldaker:  HS and AP Art, Life Drawing

Ms. Sharon Bogolubov:  MS Art, Adaptive Art

Mrs. Caroline Shyr:  HS Orchestra and Chamber Orchestra

Mrs. Rachel Tripi: Elementary Art: SR

Mr. David van Boxel: Elementary Band: MP

Mrs. Nancy Weiss:  Women's Chorus, 7th Grade Chorus