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Special Education

Manhasset Union Free School District

Special Education Department
Executive Director for Student Services
and Pupil Personnel Services





Stewart Grabelsky

Director of Secondary Special Education and Pupil Personnel Services





Dr. Agnieszka Dynda

Director of Preschool, Elementary Special Education,and Pupil Personnel Services





We recognize and respect that our students are part of a community of diverse learners.  Our priority is to maximize student outcomes and ensure that each student develops to his/her highest potential.  The practices of the Manhasset Special Education Department are overseen by the Board of Education and are regulated by state and federal laws. This requires that individual student needs must drive programs, supports and services in “the least restrictive environment”.    We recognize that the continued partnership among administration, faculty and families is integral to our success.


As a courtesy to Manhasset Parents, below are Special Education Links that will provide you with important information.


This letter below provides information for you to be aware of if you are a resident of this school district and you have placed, or are considering placing, your child who has a disability or is suspectedof having a disability in a nonpublic school for which you would be paying tuition. The federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and State law require the school district where the nonpublic school is located to assume responsibility to provide special educationservices for your child. The following information is important for you to know:

• If you place your child in a nonpublic school and wish your child to receive special education services while enrolled in that school, you must request those services in writing no later than June 1 before the school year in which services are to be provided. If your child is first identified as a student with a disability after June 1 and before April 1 of the current school year, you may submit your request within 30 days after your child is first identified.

Please note: Click on the link below for more information


Click Here for Letter to Non-Public School Parents with Children Needing Special Education Services

CLICK HERE for Integrated Co-Teaching Presentation